Sunday, 15 January 2012

Discovery of the Week: Christiania

Every week I will be posting about discoveries that I have made while living in Copenhagen. These discoveries can be places, thoughts, observations, or even realizations about myself and the world around me. Either way, my discoveries will be things that I think are worth sharing!


In the 1970s, Danish squatters occupied an abandoned military base and turned it into a laissez-faire society which had its own set of laws and no tax system. Nowadays the free state of Christiania still exhibits the ideals which it demonstrated in it's meager beginning but has become a bit more conventional since its residents have been paying taxes since 1994. However, there is continual tension between Christiania and the Danish authorities who wish to disband the free state.

The creativity and free spirt of the Christianites is greatly demonstrated through the beautiful artwork my Dad and I found throughout the community.

I think the story of Christiania is best told through photographs:

A very colourful DIY house. The sticker in the door window is Christiania's symbol.

A bird in flight on it's way to the free state.

I thought this doll looked really eerie in the window.

A sticker in support of Christiania. I don't actually know what "bevar" means.

A very personalized house. The homes in Christiania really reflect the inhabitants' personalities.

Most signs are like this - very artistic!

Another Christiania sign.

Every building I saw was decorated in some way.

Danish design in the free state.

Decorated bench.

The community notice board.

A beautiful and very interesting drawing.


A beautiful mural.

Close-up of the mural.

Back to the EU.

Can you tell that I loved it there? Christiania is quite possibly my favourite picture taking spot in Copenhagen thus far, I am definitely coming back in the springtime (or maybe even sooner!)

You can read more about Christiania here:

1 comment:

  1. Another green bracelet from Christiana?
