Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Found Objects

This past Monday, I had a couple of free hours between my Danish Class and my excursion to the Black Diamond Royal Library. I used my free time as an opportunity to wander around the city with my camera. During my various jaunts around the city I have often stumbled upon things that I would have otherwise overlooked if I were in a hurry.

Here are some photographs of things that I discovered by wandering off the beaten path:

 Posts Adorned with Artistic Collages 

I then wandered around the side of the National Museum and discovered a park with interesting installations: 

A Contemplative Statue Guarding the National Museum Park

A Tree Where Tons of Pacifiers Were Tied to it. I Nicknamed it "The Baby Tree"

The Inside is Brought Outside (I Would Have Loved this as a Kid)

A Beautiful Blue Bird Sitting in a Tree

An Urban Playground for Copenhagen Schoolchildren

Birds in the Harbour. I Have Walked Past them Many Times, but Have Never Taken Pictures!

I am looking forward to discovering many more parts of Copenhagen. I hope to explore my neighbourhood Norrebro tomorrow!


  1. wow! love that pacifier tree!

  2. I like the inside brought outside photo/idea! Very neat.

  3. That pacifier tree is really interesting. You take fantastic photographs!!! Hope your trip is going well :)
